
Zalutskyi Oleksandr Vasyl'ovych


Oleksandr Zalutskyi (23.06.1954, Sloboda-Banyliv village, Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region - 02.07.2018, Chernivtsi) - Ukrainian music teacher, local historian, associate professor of Yuriy Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi, musician and public figure, head of the Chernivtsi regional branch of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union (2013).
He was born in the village of Sloboda-Banyliv, Vyzhnytsia district, Chernivtsi region. In 1969-1973, he studied at the Music Department of the Chernivtsi Pedagogical College, and in 1984 he graduated with honours from the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy of the Odesa State Pedagogical Institute named after K.D. Ushynskyi. He began his career in 1987 as a lecturer at the Department of Theory, History of Music and Playing Musical Instruments of the Institute, and since 1992 he has been the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer. Since 1995, he has continued his teaching career at the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi University: lecturer, deputy head of the Department of Music, head of the section of folk instruments, and since 1998, associate professor of the department. In 2001-2002, he was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, and in 2006 he was elected a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work.

He died on 2 July 2918 in Chernivtsi and was buried in his native village.

Creative achievements
Over the years of his creative and pedagogical activity, he collected a considerable amount of music and local lore materials, on the basis of which in 2000 he launched the discipline "Musical Local History" for students of music and pedagogical specialities, published 8 issues of the author's series "Musical Local History of Bukovyna". In 2012, he developed the course "Music Criticism" to prepare future master's students for journalism.

He has prepared and published more than 300 scientific articles in professional journals: "Art and Education" and "Ridna Shkola" (Kyiv), "Nasha Shkola" (Odesa); in central and local newspapers: "Ukrainian Musical Newspaper, Regional Education, University Bulletin, Bukovynske Viche, Doba, Bukovyna, Chas, Chernivtsi. Co-author of the textbook "History of Musical Culture and Education in Bukovyna" (Chernivtsi, 2011), author of the textbook "Music Criticism in Bukovyna" (2012).

Public activity
Reviewer of numerous methodological developments, scores, course curricula, manuals, textbooks. He has repeatedly headed examination commissions in secondary specialised institutions, cycle admission commissions in higher education institutions, was a member of state examination commissions, supervisor of master's theses of students majoring in Music Pedagogy and Education, and a jury member at various art competitions. In 2013, he was elected the head of the Chernivtsi regional branch of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union.

Awards and honours
Laureate of the Literary and Art Prize named after Sydor Vorobkevych (2007).
Member of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union (2000).
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (2010).
Diploma "Master of Golden Hands" (1984, Odesa).
Badge of the All-Union Central Committee of Trade Unions of Ukraine with a certificate as a leader of the accordion orchestra, which won the title of laureate of the XIX International Competition named after Professor Heorhii Dimitrov in Varna (NBR, 1987).
Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Chernivtsi Regional State Administration.
Diploma of the Rectorate of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
Diploma of the Board of the Chernivtsi Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for the training of participants of the art programme "New Names - 2006".

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