
Yanushkevych Olga Mykolaivna


Olha Mykolaivna Yanushkevych (born 19 February 1968 in Teplyk, Vinnytsia region) is a Ukrainian composer and teacher. She is an "Excellence in Education of Ukraine", a member of the Association of Variety Artists of Ukraine.
She was born into a family of doctors.

Her father, Mykola Yosypovych, worked as the chief physician at the Teplyk District Hospital, where he created a choir of medical workers.

She graduated from the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy of the Ostrovsky Vinnytsia Pedagogical Institute (now the Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University).

She worked as an artistic director of creative music studios in Vinnytsia region.

Member of the Expert Council for the Preparation of New Music Programmes for Ukrainian Schools (2005).

Teacher-methodologist of the Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education and the Regional Teacher's House, director of vocal ensembles.

Creative and pedagogical activity
She is the author of 7 audio albums of her own songs, recorded over 12 years by the participants of the exemplary vocal studio "Mriia", created by Olha Yanushkevych at the Nemyriv Children's Music School:

"The World of Childhood",
"I am drawing a dream",
"God grant us happiness",
"When the Dream Sings",
"To the home",
"Thank You, God".
Author of 5 songbooks:

"Rainbow" (2003) - with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine;
"The Road to Mum (2004);
album of romances "Mirror of the Soul" (2006);
a collection of vocal works with methodological recommendations "Glory, Motherland, in Songs" (2014),
a book of spiritual songs "Thank You, God" - 14 spiritual compositions by Olha Yanushkevych based on poems by Larysa Nedin, Vadym Kryshchenko and other poets (2017).
Her oeuvre includes more than 600 songs of various genres: romances, children's songs, a capella and patriotic songs, youth, spiritual and instrumental music, children's musical fairy tales.

Her original songs are included in music curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She has participated in five All-Ukrainian pedagogical meetings. She gives lectures at the invitation of institutes of postgraduate education for education and culture workers, higher and secondary specialised institutions of Ukraine.
In 2006, she launched the Let's Be Friends as Schools project, and in 2016, the New Names project.

The ensembles and soloists led by Olha Yanushkevych have won numerous festivals and competitions of all levels.

She is published in magazines, almanacs, and textbooks, including those of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Art and Education, Musical Director, Preschool Education, Malyatko, Podilske Pereveslo, Svitlytsia, Piznaiko, and others.

The songs are broadcast on national, regional and district television and radio programmes, and are played daily in Ukrainian educational institutions. They are included in books and audio albums by its co-authors and performers: N. Shavarska, O. Kalinchuk, L. Fedoruk, S. Myrvoda, O. Vasylenko, A. Blahodyr, M. Yasakova, N. Pohrebniak, a trio of bandura players of the National Television and Radio Company of Ukraine, L. Nedin and others.

He is a member of the jury of a number of All-Ukrainian and regional competitions, including: "Askold's Voice", "Children's Dreams", "Song Drive", "Lullaby", "Snowdrops of Hope".

Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2001),
"Best Accompanist" of the All-Ukrainian competition "Autumn Rendezvous" (2001),
Grand Prix in the nomination "Author" of the All-Ukrainian Song Contest "Krolevets Towels" (2006),
Winner of the Marko Vovchok Literary and Art Prize (2007),
I place in the nomination "composition" at the International Song Festival of Arts "Pectoral Stars" (2011),
laureate of the Song Vernissage (Kyiv, 2011),
II place of the All-Ukrainian competition of artistic groups' directors "Golden Orpheus" in the nomination "composition" in Dnipro (2012),
laureate of the "Song Premiere" festival (Kyiv, 2014),
Grand Prix at the All-Ukrainian Songwriting Competition "My Native Land" (2015),
II prize at the All-Ukrainian contest of pedagogical skills "Source of Creativity" in the nomination "Head of the Vocal and Musical Art Circle" (2015).

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