
Verkhovynets Osyp Mykolayovych


Osyp Mykolaiovych Verkhovynets (real name Kostiv; 30 August 1900, Staryi Mizun, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast - 19 January 1938, Chernihiv) was a choral conductor and teacher. Brother of Vasyl, father of Halyna Verkhovynets.

From his biography.
He graduated from the Ukrainian Teachers' Seminary in Josefov (Czech Republic, 1925). In 1925-30, he was a director of amateur choirs in Western Ukraine. He was persecuted by the Polish authorities for promoting Ukrainian song art. To avoid arrest, he was forced to change his surname (Halaida, Nedolia).

1930-37 - a teacher of German at the Nizhyn Pedagogical Institute, director of the student choir and the teachers' choir. Participated in performances of the Nizhyn Drama Theatre as an actor and set designer.
1937 arrested and sentenced to 10 years in exile. In 1938, he was shot on charges of "Japanese espionage". Rehabilitated in 1956 (posthumously).

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