
Udovichenko Dmitriy


Dmytro Udovychenko was born in 1999 in Kharkiv. He started taking music lessons at the age of 5. At the age of 6, he started studying at the Kharkiv Specialised Music Boarding School.

Dmitry is the winner of many international music competitions, including:

First prize at the First Open Violin Competition with the moderator - People's Artist of Ukraine Tatiana Grindenko, which was held as part of the 15th International Festival "Music is our common home".

First prize at the International Competition for Young Performers "Art of the 21st Century" (Kyiv - Worzel, April 2009)

Second prize at the 8th M. Erdenko International Violin Competition (2010).

First prize at the 10th International Competition "Chords of Khortytsia" (2010).

Grand Prix at the 18th International Music Festival "Visiting Aivazovsky" (2011).

Grand Prix at the 3rd Leonid Kogan Violin and Cellist Competition (2016).

Second Prize and EMCY Award at the 5th Jascha Heifetz International Violin Competition (2017).

Dmytro has collaborated with such orchestras as the Moscow Virtuosi under Vladimir Spivakov, the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the Youth Symphony Orchestra (Kharkiv) and many others in Ukraine, Germany and Lithuania.

In 2014, at the invitation of Yuriy Bashmet, Dmytro took part in the international festival "Elba Isola Musicale d'Europa". In 2012, at the invitation of Vladimir Spivakov, Dmitry took part in the opening concert of the International Festival "Moscow Meets Guests" accompanied by the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra, which took place in the Great Hall of the International House of Music.

Dmitry has made a number of recordings at the National Recording Company (Kyiv).

He took part in masterclasses by such professors as Boris Garlitsky (Paris), Dmitry Sitkovetsky (London), Sergei Ostrovsky (Geneva-Neuchâtel), Natalia Boyarskaya (London), Olga Parkhomenko (Helsinki), etc.

In 2017, he participated in several festivals and masterclasses at the Kronberg Academy at the invitation of the Academy:

"Mit music miteinander", March 2017;

"Violin masterclasses", May 2017;

"Kronberg Academy Festival", October 2017.

Currently, Dmytro is studying at the University of the Arts Folkwang (Germany) in the class of Professor Boris Garlitsky.

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