
Tylyk Igor Vladimirovich


Tylyk Ihor Volodymyrovych (born 20 December 1968, Kyiv) is a PhD in Art History, choral conductor, composer, winner of international competitions, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Musical Arts of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. He was awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ukraine "For a significant personal contribution to the creation of spiritual values and high professional skills" (2009).

He comes from a family of musicians. His father, Volodymyr Tylyk (1938-2009), was a Ukrainian composer who graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory in 1962 (a student of A. Shtoharenko).
Ihor Tylyk graduated from the Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine (1995) with a degree in conducting from Honoured Artist of Ukraine, Professor V. Lysenko. He is a choirmaster of the Dnipro Chapel of the Taras Shevchenko National University. Since 1995, he has been working at the Department of Academic Choral Conducting of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (teaches: history of Ukrainian music, history of musical styles, history and theory of Orthodox liturgical singing, music-theoretical workshop, conducting.)[1] In 2001, he graduated from the postgraduate course of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts with a degree in Theory and History of Culture.

He has audio recordings of his own works on CD. He has repeatedly participated in recording music TV and radio programmes: "Kyiv Classical, Classic Premier, and Horizons.

He developed a new educational and methodological complex - "Theory and Practice of Orthodox Liturgical Singing".

Works for piano
Ballad-Fantasy "From the Depths of Time" (1991)
Three preludes for piano (1995-1999)
Rhapsody for piano (1999) (there is a version for symphony orchestra)
Piano diptych "Starry Night"
Piano miniatures (arabesques) (2003-2005)
"Prelude in C minor"
Concert march for piano (2016)
Works for a cappella choir
"Open the door of repentance to me, O Life-giver"
"Grace of the World" for male choir (1996)
"Praise the Lord from Heaven (1997)
two samples of "Alleluia" (1997 and 1998)
"To Thee We Sing" (1999)
"Great Litany" (2014)
the concert "My Soul Magnifies the Lord" (2016).
Among the secular works, the most significant are: "Dedication to Carl Orff" Fugue on Theme No. 2 from "Carmina Burana" (1994), "Prayer", Triptych "Chiaroscuro" written on the author's text and dedicated to P. Tychyna, "Under the Sign of Eternity: Sub specie aeternitatis" exists in two editions, 1 - for soloists, choir and piano (2013), 2 - for soloists, choir, orchestra and organ (2014).
Works for voice and piano
The vocal triptych "Forward to Victory" (1. "Bloody Dawn"; 2. "When the War is Over"; 3. "Forward to Victory!") was composed in the spring of 2022 during the period of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, as the author himself notes: "...from the appearance of the initial sketch of the melody of the first song (03.03.22) to the completion of the last song (27.04.22)."
Scientific works
Tylyk I. Polyphony: music theory workshop. Kyiv: Lira-K, 2017. 63 с.
Specificity of the figurative and dramatic interaction of musical and verbal-textual concepts in the works of Artemii Vedel. Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series: "Musical Art". 2019. № 2. VOL. 2. PP. 140-150.
Artemius Vedel's works in the context of genre and style parameters of the Central European musical and lexical area of the eighteenth century. Music in Dialogue with Modernity: Communicative Aspects of the Musical Culture of Ukraine in the XXI Century: abstracts of the annual scientific and practical conference of academic staff, doctoral students, postgraduates, masters and students. Kyiv. 23 April 2020. Kyiv: KNUKiM Publishing Centre. 48 - 51.
Tylyk IV, Komarenko NM Mental and ideological and genre-stylistic aspects of the development of Ukrainian musical culture of the Hetmanate period. Young scientist. 2017. № 10 (50). С. 349-354.
Tylyk I. V. Specificity of the artistic and bioenergetic phenomenon of P. I. Muravsky. Image of the modern teacher: periodical of the Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education named after M. V. Ostrohradskyi. No. 5, Poltava, 2017. С. 53-56
Tylyk I. V., Dondyk O. I. Formation of scientific and analytical parameters of studying the work of A. Vedel through the prism of musicological and textual studies of the second half of the XIX - mid XX century. Series: Art History № 2 (issue 39). ternopil. 2018 р. С. 57-77
The creative figure of N. P. Koshyts in the context of the performing specificity of vocal and opera art. Image of a modern teacher: periodical of the Poltava Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education named after M. V. Ostrohradskyi. No. 1 (184), Poltava, 2019. С.73-78.
Tylyk I. V., Lysenko V. V. Liturgical creativity of Artemii Vedel: musicological and interpretive and performing aspects. Literature and Culture of Polissya, Vol 102, no 17f, Aug. 2021, pp 176-85.
Ihor Tylyk, Nataliia Krechko, Olena Skoptsova, Larysa Ostapenko, Zhanna Zakrasniana. Inclusive component of modern higher education, its socio-cultural role and development prospects. Studies of Applied Economics. DOI:10.25115/eea.v39i5.5305

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