
Tsygankov Dmitry G.


Dmytro Hnatovych Tsyhankov (* 22 October 1923, Starobilsk, now Luhansk region - 1 October 1999) was a Ukrainian composer. Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine.

Graduated from the Teacher's and Pedagogical Institutes (speciality: mathematics teacher), music school. Participant of the Second World War.

For 50 years he lived and worked in Prykarpattia. For more than 20 years, he was the deputy head of the regional branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk Composers' Association. He directed musical and choral groups.

He is an honorary member of the Music and Choral Society of Ukraine.

He wrote about 100 songs.

In 2008, Pugachev Street in Ivano-Frankivsk was renamed to Dmytro Tsyhankov Street.

Boichuk H. "And I have Prykarpattia as my home": [On the life and work of D. Tsyhankov] // Culture and life. 1999. - 13 November. - P. 4.
Boychuk H. The artist heals the world with goodness: [To the 75th anniversary of the composer D. Tsyhankov] // Weekly of Galicia. - 1998. - 22 October.
Hanushchak V. Half a century with us these songs: [About the composer D. Tsyhankov] // Weekly Journal of Galicia. - 1999. - 7 January.
Dmytro Tsyhankov (1923 - 1.X. 1999): Obituary // Weekly of Galicia. - 1999. - 7 October.
Drabchuk O. Summers pass, but songs remain: [To the 75th anniversary of the composer D. Tsyhankov] // World of Youth. - 1998. - 23 October.
Zorina L. Music of the soul sounded: [To the 75th anniversary of D. Tsyhankov] // Prykarpatska Pravda. - 1998. - 14 November.
The best composer among mathematicians and the best mathematician among composers: [To the 75th anniversary of the composer D. Tsyhankov] // Zakhidnyi Kurier. - 1998. - 23 October.
Ott O. His love is the Carpathian region: D. Tsyhankov would have turned 80 // Kolomyia Visnyk. - 2003. - 17 October.
Romanchyk S. Summers pass, but songs live on: [About the amateur composer D. Tsyhankov] // Kolomyia Bulletin. - 1998. - 22 October.
Smoliak O. Always with youth, always young in heart: [Composer D. Tsyhankov is 70] // Novoe vremia. - 1993. - 24 October.
Stefurak N. Summers are passing... But the song does not die: [The Carpathian composer D. Tsyhankov is 70 years old] // Halychyna. - 1993. - 22 October.
Khryptun M. "And I have my native Prykarpattia as my home..." [About D. Tsyhankov and the jubilee concert] // Kolomyia Visnyk. - 2004. - 15 June.
Tsyhankov D. My love - Carpathian region: Selected songs. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zorya, 1998. - 66 p.

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