
Stakhevych Oleksandr Hryhorovych


Oleksandr Hryhorovych Stakhevych (13 December 1953, Vasylkivtsi village, Pohrebyshche district, Vinnytsia region) is a concert and chamber singer, solo singing teacher, Doctor of Arts (1998), Professor (2002).

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He lived in the city of Kozyatyn, Vinnytsia region, where he studied at the local music school and sang in a children's choir.

In 1973, he graduated from the Vinnytsia Music College named after M. Leontovych (now the Vinnytsia College of Culture and Arts named after M. Leontovych), majoring in accordion.

In 1980, he graduated from the vocal faculty of the Moscow State Gnesin Music and Pedagogical Institute (now the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music), specialising in opera, concert and chamber singing, and teaching solo singing.

1980-1984 - soloist of the Sumy Regional Philharmonic.

1984-1985 - teacher of solo singing at the Sumy Music College (now the Sumy Professional College of Arts and Culture named after D. Bortnyansky).

1985-1998 - Lecturer, since 1993 - Associate Professor at the A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical Institute.

1998-2001 - Professor of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture and Kharkiv State Institute of Arts

Kotliarevskyi (Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotliarevskyi).

2001-2013 - Head of the Department of Vocal Art at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko.

Since September 2014 - Professor of the Department of Choral Conducting, Vocal and Methods of Music Education at A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University. The main professional courses are voice training, qualification workshop, scientific principles of teaching disciplines, artistic interpretation of vocal works.

O. Stakhevych's scientific interests include the field of vocal pedagogical art, the art of solo singing in the opera culture of Western Europe, problems of the theory of vocal pedagogy in connection with the evolution of solo singing in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries.

In 1993, he defended his dissertation "The Doctrine of the Singing Voice in the Opera Culture of Italy in the Seventeenth - Mid-Nineteenth Centuries" (supervisor - Doctor of Arts, Professor M. R. Cherkashyna-Gubarenko) and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Arts.

In 1997, he defended his dissertation on "The Art of Solo Singing in the Western European Opera of the Nineteenth Century" (scientific adviser - Doctor of Arts, Professor M. R. Cherkashyna-Gubarenko) and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Arts.

In 2002, he received the academic title of professor.

In 1998-2002 and in 2010-2014, he was a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine for the examination of dissertations in the field of cultural studies and art history (Kyiv). In 2013-2015, he was a member of the Specialised Academic Council of the Kotliarevsky Kharkiv National University of Music (Kharkiv).

О. Stakhevych is a member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers "Theory and History of Culture", the All-Ukrainian competition of choral conductors named after D. Bortnyansky, etc.

Along with vocal and pedagogical work, he is engaged in performing activities. As a soloist, he took part in international choral festivals in Kyiv, Lviv, and Great Britain (Llangollen, Wales, 2000). During his time in Kharkiv, he performed at the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic and the Mykola Lysenko Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.

He recorded solo concert programmes on radio and television.

From 2001 to September 2012, he was the director (regent) of the Bishops' Choir of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour of the UOC Diocese of Sumy.

The title and badge of the Ministry of Education and Science "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" (2009)

Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi Award (2019)
Selected works
Selected publications
Vocal art of Western Europe: creativity, performance, pedagogy: a study / A. Stakhevich - Kyiv: Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, 1997. 272 p. - (in Ukrainian).
The art of Bel canto in Italian opera of the XVII-XVIII centuries: a monograph / A. Stakhevych: Kharkiv State Academy of Arts, 2000. 155 p. : notes - (in Ukrainian) - ISBN 966-7352-23-4.
Fundamentals of vocal pedagogy. Part 1: Natural and scientific theories of solo singing: a course of lectures / O. Stakhevych: Kharkiv State Academy of Arts ; Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 2002. 91 p. - ISBN 966-7352-25-0.
Orthodox sacred music: a textbook: in 3 books: a textbook / O. Stakhevych, O. K. Zavyalova: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, 2001-2002.
From the history of vocal and performing styles: a manual / O. Stakhevych - Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2013. 176 p. - ISBN 978-966-382-462-8.
Bel canto in the Western European Opera of the XIX century. Creativity, performance, pedagogy: [monograph] / A.G. Stakhevich - [Saarbrucken]: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, [2014]. 408 p. - (in Russian).
Solo singing and choral performance: problems of pedagogy / A. Stakhevych // Theoretical issues of culture, education and upbringing: a collection of scientific articles. 18 - Kyiv, 2001 - P. 165-168.
Theoretical foundations of vocal education of children: the main provisions of the programme / O.H. Stakhevych // Theoretical issues of culture, education and upbringing: a collection of scientific papers. 25 - Kyiv, 2003.
Bel canto and the vocal and pedagogical thought of Germany of the nineteenth century / O. Stakhevych // Theoretical issues of culture, education and upbringing: a collection of scientific articles. 24. - Kyiv, 2004. - P. 3-20.
Singing and Speech as a Mirror of Ancient Culture / O.H. Stakhevych // Modern Picture of the World: Integration of Scientific and Non-scientific Knowledge: Collection of Scientific Papers. 3. - Sumy, 2004. - P. 189-197.
Glinka and Bel canto in the work of B. R. Hmyrya / O. Stakhevych // Culture of Ukraine: a collection of scientific papers: Art History. Philosophy. - Kharkiv, 2005. - P. 232-239.
History of vocal performance and science / O. Stakhevych // Kharkiv in the context of world musical culture: events and people. - Kharkiv, 2008. - P. 42-45.
Traditional theatre of China in Ukrainian musicology / Oleksandr Stakhevych // Twórca - kultura - wymiary czasu: Międzynarodowe naukowe czytania 2016 w Muzeum Borysa Latoszyńskego w Żytomerzu: zbiór artykułów / red. Ludmyla Jerszowa, Cyryl Nowosielski. - Żytomerz: Wydawca "O. O. Jevenok, 2016. - S. 342-353.
Types of Verdi's voices in the opera La Traviata / A. Stakhevych // Twórca - kultura - wymiary czasu: Międzynarodowe naukowe czytania 2017 w Muzeum Borysa Latoszyńskego w Żytomerzu: zbiór artykułów / red. Irena Kopoć - Żytomerz: Wydawca A. Jewenok, 2017. - S. 299-314.
Castrato singers in Italian opera of the XVII-XVIII centuries / A. Stakhevych // Twórca - kultura - wymiary czasu: Międzynarodowe naukowe czytania 2018 w Muzeum Borysa Latoszyńskego w Żytomerzu: zbiór artykułów / red. Irena Kopoć - Żytomerz: Wydawca A. Jewenok, 2018. - S. 142-147.
Personalisation of musical expression in Ukrainian musicology / O. Stakhevych // Artistic search: a collection of scientific and methodological papers. Issue 1 (10) - Sumy, 2019. - P. 201-205.
Worldview retrospectives of Ukrainian musicology: to the memorable dates of 2019 / O. K. Zavialova, O. Stakhevych // Worldview - Philosophy - Religion: a collection of scientific papers. 15 - Sumy ; Kyiv, 2020. - P. 52-59.
Theoretical foundations of future musical art teachers professional performance and methodological training / O. Lobova, J. Ustymenko-Kosorich, O. Zavialova, O. Stakhevych // Journal of History Culture and Art Research. - 2020. - Vol. 9, No. 4, December. - P. 37-46.

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