
Pozniak Alla

Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2018).
Laureate of the First Alchevsky International Opera Singers Competition (1999, Ukraine, Kharkiv, II prize). Diploma winner of the Dvořák International Vocal Competition (1997, opera singers; 1999, chamber singers, Czech Republic).
She graduated from the Kharkiv I. Kotliarevsky Institute of Arts (1997, class of Honoured Artist of Ukraine, professor T. Veske).
Since 2004 she has been a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine.
Roles: Lyubasha (The Tsar's Bride by N. Rimsky-Korsakov), Konchakivna (Prince Igor by A. Borodin), Marfa, Marina (Khovanshchina, Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky), Polina, Milovzor, Olga, Lyubov Kochubey (The Queen of Spades, Eugene Onegin, Mazepa by P. Tchaikovsky). Tchaikovsky), Azucena, Amneris, Eboli, Ulrika, Maddalena, Fenena, mezzo-soprano (Troubadour, Aida, Don Carlos, Masquerade Ball, Rigoletto, Nabucco, Requiem by G. Verdi), Laura, Olga, and Olga Mlovsorzorzor, and Lyubov Kochubey (Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, Mazepa). Verdi), Laura, Blind Woman (Gioconda by A. Ponchielli), Martha, Siebel (Faust by Ch. Gounod), Erda, Fricka (The Gold of the Rhine, Die Walküre by R. Wagner), Baba Yaga (The Mermaid by A. Dvorak), Delilah (Samson and Delilah by C. Saint-Saëns). Saint-Saëns), Clarice (S. Prokofiev's Love for Three Oranges), Nastya (Mykola Lysenko's Taras Bulba), Yohavedda (M. Skoryk's Moses), Gemma (G. Maiboroda's Yaroslav the Wise), Zita (Gianni Schicchi by G. Puccini) and others.
The singer often performs in the oratorio and chamber genres: L. van Beethoven, Symphony No. 9; Mahler, Symphonies No. 2, 8; Pergolesi's Stabat mater; J. Bach: Magnificat, Mass in H-moll (Mass in B minor), St. John Passion, Matthew Passion; S. Prokofiev, cantata Alexander Nevsky, P. Tchaikovsky, cantata Moscow; E. Stankovich, Symphony No. 8.
He tours extensively and participates in music festivals: "Festival de musique La Chaise-Dieu" (France, 2009), "Septembre musical de l'Orne" (France, 2009), International Chaliapin Festival (Kazan, Russia, 2006), "Samara Spring" (Samara, Russia, 2005), "Contrasts" (Lviv, 2007), "Premieres of the Season" (Kyiv, 2008), "Festival of Italian Opera" (Kyiv, 2006). In 2009, after her performance of Verdi's Requiem at the Festival de musique La Chaise-Dieu, the French newspaper Le progres particularly noted Alla Pozniak's "powerful and rare in tone, unique voice".
The repertoire of her recitals includes works by Russian and European composers of the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries: P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rachmaninov, M. Mussorgsky, M. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, S. Taneyev, G. Sviridov, D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, M. Minkov, K. Molchanov, M. Metner, R. Schumann, G. Mahler, J. Brahms, M. de Falla, C. Saint-Saëns, G. Fauré, F. Poulenc and others. The artist actively promotes Ukrainian classical and contemporary music, performing works by M. Lysenko, I. Chamot, E. Stankovych, V. Ptushkin, V. Zolotukhin.
She has toured and performed concerts and performances in Japan, Italy, Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Russia, and various cities of Ukraine.
She has radio recordings, including Verdi's Requiem, Mykola Lysenko's cantata B'yatni porogi, arias and romances. She has recorded a DVD of Don Carlos (Eboli) staged by the Opera Theatre named after L. Pavarotti (Moscow). Pavarotti Opera House (Modena, Italy) in 2012.

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