
Pasichnyk Natalya


Nataliya Ihorivna Pasichnyk (lat. Natalya Pasichnyk, February 13, 1971, Rivne, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian-Swedish pianist, the founder and director of the Ukrainian Institute in Sweden, and the daughter of Ihor Demydovich Pasichnyk, rector of the Ostroh Academy National University.

"She has a perfect command of the instrument. Questions of technique, sound palette and interpretation seem to not exist for her. Everything sounds very organic and convincing"

— Evgeny Svetlanov

One of the greatest conductors of the 20th century said these words about the pianist Natalya Pasichnyk.

Natalya's first professional steps began at the secondary specialized music boarding school named after Solomia Krushelnytska in Lviv. She continued her studies at the Lviv Mykola Lysenko National Academy of Music, perfected her piano skills at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, and at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music[sv] in Stockholm.

Natalia Pasichnyk actively performs in Europe, the USA and Japan, she has performed in famous concert halls of the world, such as: Suntory Concert Hall (Tokyo), Berwald Hall (Stockholm), Stockholm Concert Hall, de Singel Concert Center (Antwerp). , Auditorium Hall in Barcelona (Barcelona), Hamburg Music Hall, Warsaw Philharmonic and in large concert halls in Poland, Columbus Theater (Buenos Aires).

Participated in festivals: Beethoven Festival and Mozart Festival, La Folle Journée de Varsovie, Gdansk Piano Autumn (Poland), Schubertiada (Spain), St. Petersburg Palaces (Russia). Natalia collaborated with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Mozarteum (Germany), Orchester d'Auvergne (France), philharmonic orchestras of Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk and Poznań (Poland), Norrlandsoperan (Sweden), performed under the leadership of the following conductors: Christopher Hogwood[1] , Evgeny Svetlanov, Arie van Beek, Jacek Kasprzyk, Marek Mos, B. Tommy Andersson, Robert Stegli.

Natalia is a laureate of the Fifth Northern Piano Competition in Nyborg (Denmark, 1998), and the World Piano Competition in Cincinnati (USA, 1999), the International Umberto Micheli Competition (Milan, 2001).

Natalia Pasichnyk is also the founder and director of the Ukrainian Institute in Sweden, which began its activities in Stockholm (Sweden) in August 2014.

Natalya Pasichnyk made many recordings for television and radio (Swedish TV1, TV4 Radio P2, BBC Radio 3, Belgian and Spanish Radio, Polish Radio and TV), and also recorded CDs for such well-known record companies as NAXOS, OPUS 111, Pro Musica Camerata, Musicon. Natalya is an ardent diplomat for the promotion of Ukrainian music in the world. Her disc "Consolation" (2016), made for one of the most prestigious companies in Europe, BIS Record, with Ukrainian music, received exceptionally high marks in the reviews of the world's largest professional magazines and became the event of the year in the German magazine Mittelbayerische.

Natalya is also engaged in teaching activities. She taught at the Royal Academy of Music and Birkagården High School in Stockholm. Her students are laureates of international competitions.

Natalya is the founder and artistic director of the music festival in Sweden, "Rethinking Europe". In 2017, Natalia was awarded the prestigious Stockholm City Culture Award for her contribution to the cultural life of the city.

Consolation — forgotten treasures to the Ukrainian soul (BIS records, 2016)
Mozart, W.A.: Concert Arias — Bella mia fiamma… (CD Accord, 2012)
Chopin — complete songs (NAXOS, 2010)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Complete songs (Pro Musica Camerata, 2006)
The Fourth Dimension (Musicon, 2005) — Bach and Messiaen
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy | Antonin Dvorak (Pro Musica Camerata, 2003)
Dumky — Popular Ukrainian songs for voice and piano (OPUS111, 2001)
Musik i Giresta kyrka (True Track production, 2000)
Prizes and awards
1998 Fifth Nordic Piano Competition ("5:e Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence") (Newborg, Denmark)
1998 Freund scholarship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music (Royal Swedish Academy of Music Freund stipend)
1999 International scholarship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music (Royal Swedish Academy of Music stipend).
1999 The World Piano Competition (Cincinnati, USA)
1999 "Young and Promising" — a program organized by the Society of Chamber Music
2000 Anders Wall Foundation Award
2014 Chosen number 3 in the list of cultural personalities of Sweden by OPUS magazine
2017 Cultural prize of the city of Stockholm
2022 Selected in the list of cultural personalities of Sweden by OPUS magazine
2022 Cultural scholarship of the Church of Sweden

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