
Lutsiuk Viktor Vladimirovich


Lutsiuk Viktor Volodymyrovych (* 4 June 1958, Ivanychi village, district centre, Volyn region) - opera singer (tenor). Honoured Artist of Ukraine (1994). Laureate of the Republican Competition of Vocalists "Young Voices" (Mykolaiv, 1982). Graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Arts (1987, class of T. Veske). 1986-95 - soloist of the Dnipro Opera and Ballet Theatre, since 1996 - Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.

His concert repertoire includes works by Ukrainian, Russian, and Western composers, as well as folk songs. He has toured the opera stages of Kyiv, Odesa, Moscow, as well as Slovenia, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the USA, and Japan. He has recorded on CD roles in operas such as Tchaikovsky's Mazepa, Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, and Prokofiev's Semyon Kotko (Philips Classics). Parts: Andriy (S. Hulak-Artemovsky's "Cossack Beyond the Danube"), Petro (I. Kotliarevsky-M. Lysenko's "Natalka Poltavka"), Volodymyr Ihorovych (A. Borodin's "Prince Igor"), Self-called. Borodin), Samozvanets, Andrei Khovansky (Boris Godunov, Khovanshchina by M. Mussorgsky), Lensky, Herman (Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades by P. Tchaikovsky), Sadko, Prince Vsevolod (one-act opera, The Tale of Innocence. opera, "The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov), Semyon Kotko (opera of the same name by S. Prokofiev), Alfred, Don Carlos, Manrico, Radames, Herzog (La Traviata, opera, Troubadour). opera, "Il Trovatore", "Aida", "Rigoletto" by G. Verdi), Lohengrin (opera of the same name by R. Wagner), José (Carmen by J. Bizet), Pinkerton, Calaf (Cio-Cio San, Turandot by G. Puccini) and others.

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