
Kurchik Taras Mikhailovich


Taras Kurchyk (born 7 September 1969, Drohobych) is a Ukrainian singer, Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2011).
He was born on 7 September 1969 in Drohobych, Lviv region.

In 1984, he graduated from Drohobych Eight-Year School No. 5. In the same year, he entered the Drohobych Music College, string and bow department. At the same time, he studied at a secondary school in the evening to obtain secondary education.

While studying at the music school, in 1989 he became the youngest winner of the First All-Ukrainian Festival "Chervona Ruta", after which he received many invitations to other competitions and festivals held abroad.

In 1997, he released his first album of dance music "Say No-No", which was recorded at the HENDRIX studio in Lublin, Poland, which was one of the 10 best studios in Europe. A video clip was shot for the song "Let's Go" and all computer graphics were used. It was one of the first computer-generated music videos in the CIS, impressing experts with its scale. The clip was broadcast on central TV channels in Ukraine, Poland and other countries.

In 2000, he was elected chairman of the Spiritual Choice International Foundation.

In 2001, he became the author and performer of the official anthem for the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ukraine and received the Holy Father's personal blessing.

2002 - Participated in the first celebration of Mother's Day in Rome. In the same year, he was invited to the World Youth Day in Toronto, Canada.

In 2004, he became the advertising face of Western Union in Italy. At the International Day of Nationalities, he represents Ukraine with a concert in Milan. Next cities: Bologna, Brescia, Naples, Caserta, Salerno, Genoa.

In 2006, he was elected chairman of the jury (still active today) of the International Festival of Children's Sacred Song "Song of the Heart". He has given concerts and visited about 17 countries of the world as a member of cultural delegations.

2007, performances in Spain and France.

In 2008, he graduated from the Lviv Stavropegian University, Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Practical Psychology, with a degree in education. In the same year, he represented Ukraine at the World Youth Day in Australia.

In 2010, he was elected to the Lviv Regional Council in the majority constituency of the cities of Drohobych and Stebnyk. In addition to his work in the constituency, he is engaged in and implements many social and charitable projects.

In March 2011, he was awarded the state title of Honoured Artist of Ukraine. In the same year, he gives concerts in Italy and the USA.

2012, performances in the Czech Republic and Brazil. He made a speech about Ukraine in the Parliament of Prudentopolis (Brazil), which was broadcast live on Brazilian television.
2012, speeches in the Czech Republic and Brazil. Spoke at the Parliament of Prudentopolis (Brazil) about Ukraine, which was broadcast live on Brazilian television.

2014, artistic events in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. In Brazil, at the invitation of MPs, he spoke at the Curitiba Parliament. He was awarded an award for the development of cultural relations between Ukraine and Brazil.

In 2015, with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy, the Embassy of Ukraine to the Holy See, and the UNICEF charity fund, he organised charity concerts in Italy, in the cities of Rome and Naples. The funds raised are earmarked for children and families who have lost their breadwinners as a result of the war in eastern Ukraine. For these charity concerts, Ukraine received an award from the Italian media for the first time at the annual international ceremony held by ALBATROS magazine. The same year, charity concerts were held in Spain and Portugal. At the invitation of UNICEF Italy, he took part in an event in support of children around the world together with famous personalities of the country.

2016, founds the National Project "Ukrainian Song Project". He is the founder and General Producer of the project.

2017, April - appointed Deputy General Director and Artistic Director for Marketing and Audience Management at the Lviv National Opera.

May - a speech at the Argentine book fair as a representative of Ukraine in Buenos Aires and an award from the Ukrainian community in Argentina.

During his career, he became a laureate of many song competitions and festivals, gave many charity concerts, supporting Ukrainian soldiers, orphanages, nursing homes, rehabilitation centres for drug and alcohol addicts, and AIDS patients.

Personal life.
Mother - Kurchyk (Lyalus) Justyna Mykolaivna, born in 1934, a pensioner.

On 5 September 2013, he got married.

1997 - Say No-No
2003 - Give me back my hope
2004 - God, do not forget us
2007 - Songs of Your Ukraine. Everything is new
2011 - honorary title of Honoured Artist of Ukraine

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