
Kozeratsky Vasyl Feodosievich


Kozeratskyi Vasyl Feodosiiovych (* 13 January 1906 (31 December 1905), Berezivka village (now Yasne village), Hruzka village council, Holovanivskyi district, Kirovohrad region - † 29 November 1982, Kyiv) was a Ukrainian opera and operetta singer (dramatic tenor). People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1957).
Biography and career
He received his vocal education at the Odesa Music and Drama Institute (1927-1931, class of Professor V. Selyavin).

1931-1934 - soloist of the Ukrainian Mobile Music and Drama Theatre.

1934-1937 - soloist of the Dnipro Music and Drama Theatre.

1937-1951 - soloist at the Kyiv Operetta Theatre.

1951-1959 - soloist of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theatre. "Always extremely honest in relation to the author's text, the unmistakable Kozeratsky inspired confidence in conductors that he would not only not let them down, but would always help them out if the ensemble faltered," they recall about his work at this theatre.

Vasyl Feodosiiovych took part in some performances until 1963.

1963-1965 - lecturer at the Kyiv Theatre Institute.

1965-1982 - lecturer at the Kyiv Conservatory.

Among his students: Turets Volodymyr Hryhorovych, Melnychenko Serhii Hryhorovych and others.

Roles and parts
Andriy (Gulak-Artemovsky's "Cossack beyond the Danube")
Andriy, Vakula (Taras Bulba, Christmas Night by Lysenko)
Bohun (Bohdan Khmelnytsky by Dankevych)
Vasyl ("Milan" by Mayboroda)
Sobinin (Life for the Tsar by Glinka)
Herman (The Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky)
Lykov (The Tsar's Bride by Rimsky-Korsakov)
Radames (Verdi's Aida)
Richard (Verdi's "Masquerade Ball")
Jose (Carmen by Bizet)

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