
Korinets Zenoviy Mikhailovich


Zenovii Mykhailovych Korinets (16 June 1967, Holobutiv village, Stryi district, Lviv region) is a choral conductor, musician and public figure, teacher. People's Artist of Ukraine (2008). Laureate of the 2nd All-Ukrainian Competition of Choral Conductors (Kyiv, 2001, 3rd prize). He graduated from the Drohobych Music College (1986, class of Y. Bondziak), Donetsk Conservatory (1996, class of L. Streltsova).

He led amateur groups in Drohobych and Mukachevo (Transcarpathian region), taught. 1996-97 - choirmaster, 1997-2001 - artistic director and chief conductor of the Transcarpathian Folk Choir (Uzhhorod), at the same time 1994-98 - regent of the Mukachevo Orthodox Cathedral. Since 2001, he has been the chief director and conductor of the Veriovka Choir, a part-time lecturer at the National Pedagogical University (since 2007 - professor) and since 2003 - artistic director of the Chervona Kalyna Song and Dance Ensemble.

Organiser and artistic director of the Choir of the Staff of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Kyiv, since 2003).

Since 2016, he has been the General Director of the Veriovka National Choir. This period of the choir's history was marked by a scandal over the participation of the Veriovka Choir in the Kvartal 95 programme with a performance that mocked the incident of the arson of the house of former NBU Governor Valeria Hontareva. Korinets later admitted that the decision to participate was wrong and unethical.

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