
Kochur Valentina Oleksiivna


Soviet and Ukrainian opera singer. People's Artist of Ukraine (1991), laureate of the "Image of the Dream" award (1995), teacher of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (since 2000), professor (since 2011), Kyiv Institute named after R.M. Gliera (since 1987).

From 1963 she studied at the Donetsk Music School, from 1965 - at the Kyiv State Conservatory. In 1970 - an intern at the National Opera of Ukraine.

Soloist of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater (1972-1974), Dnipropetrovsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (1974-1976), Kyiv National Opera of Ukraine (1976-2011), stage master (1970).

Valentina Oleksiivna gives numerous master classes, participates in the jury of music competitions.

One of the outstanding singers of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. She performed on the leading opera stages of Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Poland, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, etc. Valentina Oleksiivna made a number of stock recordings on the radio, recorded the best opera performances of the National Opera of Ukraine. These are "Queen of Spades" by PI Tchaikovsky (Countess), "Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France" by A. Rudnytskyi (Countess of Montmorency) and others. A television program is dedicated to her. In 2004, a separate CD "Valentyna Kochur. The music of my soul." In 2016, Tetyana Zhiginas wrote the book "Valentina Kochur. I had a dream..."


Valentina Oleksiivna was born as the youngest child in the family. She always sang. In the fifties, she performed in the children's choir of the Donetsk Palace of Pioneers, later in the ensemble of bandurists of the Palace of Culture named after Maksym Gorky, later in the Ukrainian Song and Dance Ensemble at the Donetsk State Philharmonic, where she was accepted without a musical education. In 1962, Valentina entered the Donetsk Music School at the vocal department. In 1965, she was recommended to participate in the final round of the Republican Competition of Music Schools of Ukraine, which was held at the Kyiv State Philharmonic. There, representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine advised her to enter the Kyiv Conservatory. When Valentina came for the entrance exams, she fell ill with angina (the hungry post-war years were showing signs). Having entered the stage with a medical certificate, she still showed a great result! Valentina passed, overcoming a huge competition for the main course of the vocal faculty. At the conservatory, Valentina was very demanding of herself. Under the guidance of her favorite teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Professor L. A. Rudenko, the student understood how to sing. In 1967, Valentina took part in the All-Ukrainian vocalist competition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the VLKSM, held at the Kyiv Philharmonic, and became its laureate. During her years of study at the conservatory, Valentina performed the parts: Bacchante in "Nocturne" by M. Lysenko, Klavdia in " Stories about a real person" by S. Prokofiev, Olga in "Eugene Onegin" by PI Tchaikovsky, Princess in the opera "Rusalka" by O. Dargomyzhsky.

In 1970, Valentina Kochur was accepted into the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater, where in less than two years she performed the following parts: Konchakivna in "Prince Igor" by O. Borodin, Olga in "Eugene Onegin" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, Ziebel in "Faust » Sh. Gounod, Bertha in "The Barber of Seville" by J. Rossini, Kryvliak in "The Tale of Lost Time" by Y. Rozhavska, Boy in "The Magic Flute" by V. A. Mozart, Shepherd in "Tosca" by J. Puccini, Fyodor in "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky. Realizing that there are many excellent singers in the capital opera and that it will not be easy for a young novice singer to enter the leading repertoire, large-scale growth may not happen, Valentina goes to the Novosibirsk Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet. There, the novice singer performed the parts: Konchakivna in "Prince Igor" O. Borodin, the Princess in O. Dargomyzhskyi's "Rusalka", Olga in P. I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin", Lyubava and Nezhata in "Sadko", Lyubasha in "The Queen's Bride" by M. Rimsky-Korsakov, Gayane in "Almast" A. Spendiarova, Siebel in "Faust" by S. Gounod, prepared the parts of the Countess in "The Queen of Spades" and Joanna in the opera "The Maid of Orleans" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, and began work on the part of Carmen in the opera of the same name by J. Bizet.

At the same time, Valentina Oleksiivna devoted a lot of time to conducting solo concerts, recordings on radio and television, which were very successful.

The chief director of the Dnipropetrovsk Opera and Ballet Theater called V. Kochur and invited her to work as a soloist. She happily accepted the offer and returned to Ukraine, as she missed her very much. In Dnipropetrovsk, Valentina Oleksiivna performed Aksinia in "Silent Don" by I. Dzerzhinsky, Konchakivna in "Prince Igor" by O. Borodin, the Commissioner in "Optimistic Tragedy" by A. Kholminov, Maddalena in "Rigoletto" by J. Verdi, Martha in "Iolanta" by P. I. Tchaikovsky, Carmen in the opera of the same name by J. Bizet, the Queen in the opera "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by E. Kolmanovsky. In 1975, the theater troupe returned from a tour in Kyiv, and Valentina Oleksiivna stayed to participate in solemn concerts in the Palace "Ukraine" and in the Kyiv Philharmonicharmonies, which were a great success. In 1976, the singer took part in the Decade of Ukrainian Culture and Art in Belarus.

In May 1976, Valentina Oleksiivna was invited to audition for Carmen J. Bizet, after which she was enrolled in the staff of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theater as a leading soloist. On the stage of the capital's opera, V. Kochur mastered the repertoire of world opera classics, creating a unique gallery of vocal scenic images. Her crowning parts were performed here


Selected parties
Valentina Kochur. Carmen. ("Carmen" - J. Bizet).

Marfa ("Khovanshchyna" by M. P. Mussorgsky) 1980
Carmen ("Carmen" by J. Bizet);
Ortrud ("Lohengrin" - R. Wagner);
Eboli ("Don Carlos" - G. Verdi);
Educated ("Troubadour" - J. Verdi);
Ulrika ("Masquerade Ball" - J. Verdi);
Amneris ("Aida" - J. Verdi);
Maddalena ("Rigoletto" - G. Verdi);
Marfa ("Khovanshchyna" - M. Mussorgsky);
Khivrya ("Sorochyn Fair" - M. Mussorgsky);
Shynkarka, Fedor ("Boris Godunov" - M. Mussorgsky);
Konchakivna - in the opera "Prince Igor" by O. Borodin
Valentina Kochur. Konchakivna "Prince Igor" - O. Borodina, 1976.
Vakhramiivna ("Askold's Grave" - A. Verstovskyi);
Terpylikha ("Natalka Poltavka" - M. Lysenko);
Nastya ("Taras Bulba" - M. Lysenko);
Countess of Montmorency ("Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France" by A. Rudnytskyi);
Orpheus ("Orpheus and Eurydice" - H. Glyuk);
Konchakivna ("Prince Igor" - A. Borodin);
Lyubasha ("The Tsar's Bride" - M. Rimskyi-Korsakov);
Lyubava, Nezhata ("Sadko" - M. Rymskyi-Korsakov);
Princess ("Mermaid" - O. Dargomyzhskyi);
Vanya ("Ivan Susanin" - M. Glinka);
Mother ("Arsenal" - H. Maiboroda);
Commissioner ("Optimistic Tragedy" - O. Kholminov);
Ziebel ("Faust" - S. Gounod);
Nastya ("Hire" - M. Verikivskyi);
Akhrosimov ("War and Peace" - S. Prokofiev);
Aksinia "Quiet Don" - I. Dzerzhynskyi);
Lucia ("Rural honor" - P. Mascagni);
Mavra ("The Golden Hoop" - B. Lyatoshynskyi);
Lyubov Kochubey ("Mazepa" - P. I. Tchaikovsky);
Olga, Nanny ("Eugene Onegin" - P. I. Tchaikovsky);
Ksenia ("Quiet Don" - I. Dzerzhinsky);
Alice ("Lucia de Lammermoor" - R. Donizetti);
The Countess ("Queen of Spades" - P. I. Tchaikovsky). Valentina Oleksiivna was the constant Countess for many years, even on important foreign tours, no one insured her.
Bacchante ("Nocturne" - M. Lysenko);
Klavdia ("The Tale of a Real Man" - S. Prokofiev);
Berta ("Barber of Seville" - J. Rossini);
Kryvliak ("The Tale of Lost Time" - Yu. Rozhavska);
Boy ("The Magic Flute" - V. A. Mozart);
Shepherd ("Tosca" - J. Puccini);
Gayane ("Almast" - A. Spendiarov);
Ioanna ("The Maid of Orleans" - P. I. Tchaikovsky);
Marta ("Iolanta" - P. I. Tchaikovsky);
The Queen ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - E. Kolmanovsky);
Khlopchish-Poganysh ("Khlopchish-Kybalchish" - V. Shchukin) ... and many others.

Concert performances

Dido's aria from the opera "Dido and Aeneas" by H. Purcell;
Delilah's aria from the opera "Samson and Delilah" by K. Saint-Saëns;
the monologue and the scene at the fountain by Marina Mnishek in M. Mussorgsky's "Boris Godunov";
the romance of Polina from the opera "Queen of Spades" by P. I. Tchaikovsky and many others.
Vocal lyrics of Western European, Ukrainian and Russian composers, old romances, folk songs;


1975 — Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR
1979 — Certificate of Honor of the Sakhalin Regional Council of People's Deputies (as part of a concert group that traveled to the Decade of Ukrainian Culture and Art held in Sakhalin)
1991 — participated in the International Festival of Stars of Opera and Ballet Art "Invite Maria Biesu" ("Invites Maria Biesu") in Chisinau, where she performed the part of Eboli in the opera "Don Carlos" by G. Verdi and performed in the Final Concert
1991 — the first opera singer of Independent Ukraine was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine
1994-1995 — theater award "Image of a dream" (the author of elegant sculptural compositions - Montserrat Ribes, Spain) for the best acting work of the theater season and the brightest artistic image created on the Kyiv stage
1996 — Thanks of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine
2001 — Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - For significant personal contribution to the development of national culture and high professionalism.
2004 — medal of the International Academic Rating "Golden Fortune" of the Ministry of Culture and Arts "For significant contribution to the development of musical art"
2019 — medal "Honorary Distinction" of the National Academy of Music
2021 — Honorable mention for the anniversary "Order for outstanding achievements in musical art".

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