
Khoma Dmytro Mykolayovych


Ukrainian pop singer, composer, poet, Honored Artist of Ukraine. Soloist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the State Border Service of Ukraine.


Dmytro Mykolayovych Khoma was born on December 4, 1965 in the village of Lukavtsi, Vyzhnytskyi district, Chernivtsi region in a family of workers. He graduated with honors from school (1982) and also with honors from the Sydor Vorobkevych Chernivtsi School of Arts (1986), where he began to write songs. From 1984 to 1986, he served on the Rybalsky (Peninsula) in the Murmansk region, where he was the artistic director of VIA Polar Stars for a year and a half. After the army, for six years (1986-1993) he worked as the director of the Lukavetsky SBC, which was one of the best in the Chernivtsi region (he managed the VIA "Play", choral and vocal groups). At that time, he graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts in 1993, specializing in academic choir. Worked in various musical groups of the Chernivtsi region.

As an author and performer, he became a multiple winner and laureate of International and All-Ukrainian TV and Radio Festivals, namely: Premiere of the song, "My native mother", honored guest Melody of two hearts, "Nightingale of Fate", "From Cheremosh to Prut", "Song source" , TV and radio programs "My song confession", "Let's get acquainted", "My love is Ukraine", "Ukrainian lace", "On the eve", "On the eve of fate", "Folk music", "Promo version", "On Crossroads", "Ukrainian album", and many other concert programs for various holidays of our country and its individual personalities.

Since 2005, he has been working as a soloist-vocalist in the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

He writes songs mainly about love, about love for Ukraine, for mother and father, for family, and on other popular topics! Writes scripts for various holidays and events. Collaborates with — Vadym Dmytrovych Kryshchenko, Maryan Ilyich Gadenko, Mykola Volodymyrovych Lukiv, Vitaliy Vasylovich Bilonozko, Svitlana Hryhorivna Bilonozhko, Petro Petrovych Maga, Ivan Krasovsky (tenor), Liliya Sandulesu, Nadiya Petrovna Shestak, Yuriy Vasylkivskyi, Ihor Stanislavovych Okhrimenko, Andriy Vintserskyi, Yevhen Stolyar, Gennadiy Syneok, Mykola Gordiychuk, Andriy Gural, Pavlo Pavlovich Mrezhuk, Viktor Mykolayovych Kavun, Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Burmitskyi, Nina Myrvoda, Elena Lukashova, Serhii Koval, Yuriy Rakul, "Horislava" duet, Bohdan Pasynchuk, etc.
Social activities

Dmytro Khoma does not stay away from public activities. An active position in life and indifference to social and political life is, first of all, the result of the formation of the artist's personality during the period of complex and ambiguous social and political transformations that Ukraine experienced and is experiencing. And this is evidenced by his participation in charitable public actions timed to important state events, constant cooperation with such organizations as "Ukraine-svit", "Dialog", various associations of Ukrainians abroad, compatriots of Ukraine, and, first of all, the Bukovinsk compatriots in Kyiv and other societies and organizations that glorify our Nenka-Ukraine! He does a lot of charitable work for soldiers, veterans, the elderly, and children for a variety of dates and just to support people. He is the chairman of the jury of the "Autumn Song" vocal competition of the All-Ukrainian Youth Art Festival named after Ivan Kovalenko (Kovalenko Ivan Yukhimovych), a member of the jury of many other art festivals and competitions. He is always a welcome guest at educational institutions, cultural and artistic centers, at various meetings and gatherings, where he brings good to people not only with poetic words and songs, but also with private conversation, his position regarding the past, present and future of Ukraine! Dmytro Khoma is a multiple laureate and winner of all-Ukrainian and international song festivals and competitions.

Member of the creative union — Association of Pop Art Artists of Ukraine Association of Pop Art Artists of Ukraine.
Creative contribution

Many of Dmytro's original songs are performed in concert programs, both by the author himself and by well-known and honored, as well as amateur artists of Ukraine: "Dolenko moya", "The land of my parents", "I will fly to you dear", "Ukraine above everything", " Unaccidental love", "On your birthday", "Save Ukraine forever", "Sing to me, mother", "Dear parents", "May you be happy", "My cradle", "Oh, mother, let the summers fly", "As long as I live I love", "Happy is the one who loves the land", "To my friends", "I am returning to Chernivtsi", "My Lukavtsi are my amulet", "I am a border guard, mother", "Hope, faith and love", "Return to native land", "Native school", "My Bukovyna", "Mother's path", and many others, have long been loved by his fans both in Ukraine and far beyond its borders. He started his concert activity back in 1982 and has been constantly on stage since then. With great success, he participates not only in solo concerts, but also in concerts with various well-known artist friends, both on large stages and in the most remote Houses of Culture, clubs and improvised concert venues. For many years, he considers it an honor to perform as part of the Academic Ensemblewith songs and dances of the State Border Service of Ukraine in front of border soldiers and various audiences, who are so waiting and loving this well-known creative team. In 2016, he created and started performances with the Author's family concert program "We are from Ukraine". Its uniqueness lies in the fact that only members of one family take part. In addition to Dmytro, the singer and his wife Olga Kashul, as well as sons Mykola and Ivanko. The multi-genre concert is designed for two sections (in the program: song solos, duets, quartets, classical dances, instrumental music, poetry, humor). His original concert in Kyiv (April 2019) was a good final chord after performances in many villages and cities.
Printed works

Dmytro Khoma."May you be blessed with dew and water"/Poetry collection; K.:— 2015


1995 — My song world (cassette)
1998 — For you, friends (cassette)
2002 — Ukrainian song (CD-Audio)
2004 — Song Without Borders (CD-Audio)
2008 — Music for You (CD-Audio)
2012 — Hope, Faith and Love (CD-Audio)
2016 — Ukraine Above All (CD-Audio)
2019 - We are from Ukraine (CD-Audio)

Honors and awards

From 1982 to 2020, he was awarded numerous diplomas, certificates, commemorative cups, thanks and various awards for creative activity.
2011 — medal "20 years of the State Border Service of Ukraine"
2013 — honor of the music and poetry competition "Emerald Lyre"
2015 — with a commemorative medal "For charitable activity"
2017 — honorary resident of Lukavtsi
2018 — honorary title "Honored Artist of Ukraine"

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