
Karasyk Yakov Vladimirovich


Yakiv Volodymyrovych Karasyk (born 3 December 1905, Kyiv - died 11 February 1985, Kyiv) was a Ukrainian Soviet conductor and pianist. He was an Honoured Artist of the Ukrainian SSR since 1946.

He was born on 20 November [3 December] 1905 in Kyiv (now Ukraine). In 1926, he graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory.

From 1926 to 1931 he was a pianist-concertmaster at the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theatre; from 1931 to 1932 he was a concertmaster and conductor of the State Ukrainian Left Bank Opera; from 1933 to 1958 he was a concertmaster and conductor of the Kyiv Opera and Ballet Theatre; from 1958 to 1975 he was a conductor of the opera studio at the Kyiv Conservatory. He died in Kyiv on 11 February 1985.

He conducted performances:

"Catherine by Mykola Arkas (1st performance in the editorship of Hlib Taranov);
"Cossack Beyond the Danube by Semen Hulak-Artemovsky;
"Natalka Poltavka by Mykola Lysenko;
"The Mermaid by Oleksandr Dargomyzhsky;
"Boris Godunov by Modest Mussorgsky;
"Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Tchaikovsky;
"La Traviata and Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi;
"Pagliacci by Ruggiero Leoncavallo;
"Pebbles by Stanislav Moniuszko;
"The Sold Bride by Bedřich Smetana;
"Faust by Charles Gounod;
"Tosca, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini;
"Camorra by Eugenio Esposito.

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