
Ignatenko Volodymyr Dmytrovych


Ukrainian opera singer, tenor, professor at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy. Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1989), Laureate of the International Prize of the National Union of Theater Workers of Ukraine.


Volodymyr Ihnatenko was born on January 31, 1940.

In 1958, he entered the vocal faculty of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv Conservatory.

In 1964, V. Ihnatenko became a soloist at the Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater, where he performed leading tenor roles in 56 operas, including José (Carmen by G. Bizet), Enzo (Gioconda by A. Ponchielli), Stefan, Yontec (The Enchanted Castle, Pebbles by Moniuszko), Pinkerton, Cavaradossi (Madama Butterfly, Tosca by G. Puccini), Tangue (Tosca by G. Puccini), and others. Puccini), Tannhäuser (Wagner's Tannhäuser), Mykola Zadorozhny (J. Maitus' Stolen Happiness), Manrico, Radames, Otello, Hernani (Verdi's Il Trovatore, Aida, Otello, Hernani), Azazel (M. Skoryk's Moses), Nazar (K. Dankevych's Nazar Stodolya) and many other roles.

In 1983, he was invited to teach at the Lviv Conservatory at the Department of Solo Singing. In 1993, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor, and in 1999 - professor of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Conservatory.

From 1992 until his death, he headed the Department of Solo Singing at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy.

Among his students are laureates and diploma winners of international and national vocal competitions: N. Peretyahina, H. Havrylko, T. Ivaniv, V. Liskovetskyi, P. Radeyko, Y. Shevchuk, I. Komarevych, N. Yurechko, A. Blyk, M. Kornutyak, D. Kalmuchyn, N. Tatsyshyn, R. Trokhymuk, L. Kachala, O. Lanovyi, and many others.

He published a reference book "On the Stage of the Lviv Opera".

Volodymyr Ihnatenko died during an international vocal competition in Donetsk. He was buried on the 78th field of Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv.

Parts from operas:

B. Liatoshynsky's "La Traviata" - Maxim;
Yuri Maitus "Stolen Happiness" - Mykola Zadorozhnyi;
M. Lysenko "Taras Bulba" - Andriy;
M. Lysenko's "Christmas Night" - Vakula;
К. Dankevych "Nazar Stodolya" - Nazar;
M. Skoryk "Moses" - Azazel;
P. Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades" - Herman;
P. Tchaikovsky's "Iolanta" - Vaudemont;
P. Tchaikovsky "Mazepa" - Andriy;
С. Moniuszko's "Pebbles" - Yontek;
С. Moniuszko "The Enchanted Castle" - Stefan;
J. Bizet "Carmen" - Jose;
G. Verdi "Othello" - Othello;
G. Verdi "Aida" - Radames;
G. Verdi "Hernani" - Hernani;
G. Verdi "Don Carlos" - Don Carlos;
G. Verdi "Il Trovatore" - Manrico;
Р. Leoncavallo "Pagliacci" - Canio;
J. Offenbach's Tales of Hoffmann - Hoffmann.

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