
Ganzburg Hryhoriy Israelevich


Ukrainian musicologist, teacher, music critic.


In 1978, he graduated from the Kharkiv State Institute of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi (historical and theoretical faculty) in the class of L. M. Bulgakov. He also studied with G. O. Tyumeneva (history of music, folklore), M. D. Tits (polyphony, history of music-theoretical systems, teaching methods), O. V. Husarova (analysis of musical works), Z. B. Yuferova ( history of foreign music, music bibliography), M. R. Cherkashina (modern music, pedagogical practice), V. S. Bibik (instrumentation, reading scores). Before that, he began his education as a pianist, a student of L. G. Feyginoi, S. E. Grosman, B. Yucht; graduated in 1973 from the Kharkiv secondary special music school in the class of I. M. Dubinin (music theory), N. S. Tyshko (music history).

In 1978-1985, he was a teacher at the Poltava Music School named after M.V. Lysenko (educational courses: "Analysis of musical works", "Polyphony", "Harmony", "Solfeggio", "Methodology of musicological analysis", "Composition").

Since 1984, he has been a teacher at the Kharkiv Music School named after B. M. Lyatoshinskyi, since 1998 — teacher of the highest category, since 2006 — methodologist (educational courses: "Fundamentals of Music Theory", "Solfeggio", "Instrumental Studies", "Reading Orchestral Scores", "Folk Musical Creativity", "World Music literature", "Fundamentals of music criticism", "Musical local history").

In 1984-2009 (intermittently) he was a teacher at the Kharkiv State Institute (University) of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi (educational courses: "Solfeggio", "Harmony"); since 2013 — a member of the Specialized Academic Council for Dissertation Defense at KhNUM.

Dissertation: "Robert Schuman's Song Theater" (supervisor M.R. Cherkashina-Gubarenko) — completed at the Department of History of Foreign Music of the National Music Academy of Ukraine (Kyiv).

In 1992-2002, he was the scientific director of the International Music Festival "[[Kharkiv Assemblies|Kharkiv Assemblies"]].

Since 1993, he has been the director of the Institute of Musicology.

Since 2013, he has been a member of the Specialized Academic Council (K 64.871.01) for the defense of dissertations at the Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi.

Social activities

Member of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine (since 1989), the Union of Composers of the former USSR (since 1990), the Union of Composers of Russia (since 2009).
Member of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union (since 1992).
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (since 2011).
Co-founder and vice-president of the Association of creative intelligentsia "Circle" (since 1993)
Co-founder of the Kharkiv Foundation for the Support of Young Talents (1994).
President of the Shubert Society in Kharkiv (since 1996).
Co-founder and Member of the Board of the Charitable Foundation "Kharkiv Assemblies" (since 2012)
Member of the jury of professional competitions and Olympiads, in particular, in November 2017 and 2019, he participated in the work of the jury of the First and Second All-Ukrainian Vocal Competition "World Classical in Ukrainian"

Creative and scientific activity
5:38 a.m
"Aspiration" (translated by M. Zerov). The soloist is Mark Serdyuk, the piano part is Hryhoriy Hanzburg

The author of works in the fields of music history and theory, Schuman studies, Schubert studies, music pedagogy, source studies, lexicography.

In 1976, he introduced a new direction of musicology — libretology (the science of the verbal component of musical works).

In 1996, he developed and implemented the educational course "Musical Local History". Compiler of the educational program in music criticism.

In 1997, at the invitation of the Internationales Franz-Schubert-Institut (Austria), he gave a speech at the jubilee Schubert conference in Vienna, where he was the only representative from Ukraine (as the head of the Schubert Society and the author of a book devoted to the works of Franz Schubert).

Has more than 200 publications in scientific collections and periodicals. Author of books about the music of F. Schubert, R. Schuman, S. Rachmaninov, O. Dargomyzhskyi. Editor-compiler of the yearbook "Kharkiv Assemblies" (1992—1995), 28 scientific collections.

Published and brought into scientific use new archival documents relating to composers O. M. Scriabin, D. D. Shostakovich, S. O. Naniya, M. V. Karminsky, I. S. Polsky, pianist M. V. Yudina, writers E. B. Kulman, O. S. Shyshkova, O. O. Blok, S. Svyridenko, V. P. Kolomiytsova, M. I. Tsvetaeva.

The editor of the original editions of sheet music by G.-F. Handel, F. Schubert, R. Schumann, A. Dvorak, to which he made equirhythmic translations of vocal texts, the publisher and editor of new works V. Borisov, M. Karminsky, V. Ivanov and others.

The author of musical works, mainly vocal and choral. Among them are "Psalm No. 136" on a poem by T. Shevchenko for a mixed choir, solos on a poem by M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelstam, B. Pasternak, S. Cherkasenko, and L. Pervomaiskyi.

Author and presenter of TV and radio programs.

Head of the editorial board of the magazine "Istoky" (in 1997-2002). Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Saratov Conservatory. Вопросы искусствознания" and the editorial board of the International Department of the scientific journal "ICONI/ICONI: Art. Culture. education Scientific studies".

Among the students: I.V. Albova, L.A. Hnatiuk, V.O.Sheiko, N. V. Chervynska [source?].

Laureate of the municipal award named after I. I. Slatina (1997) [source?].
Winner of the Grand Prize of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration and the Kharkiv Regional Council in the field of culture and art (2014)[7].
Winner of the "Chasopis" journalism competition in the "Cultural space" nomination (2020).


Father - trombonist I. G. Hanzburg (1923-1995).
Mother — engineer Oleksandr Hanzburg (1927-2022).

Musicological works
Books and brochures (author's)

Hanzburg G. Elisaveta Kulman (materials for bibliography). — Kharkiv: Institute of Musicology, 1997.
Hanzburg G. Articles about Schubert. — Kharkiv: RA, 1997. — 28 p. (Institute of Musicology. Shubert's Society.) ISBN 966-7012-11-5.
Hanzburg G. Articles about the poet Elisavete Kuhlman. — Kharkiv: Institute of Musicology — RA, 1998. — 52 p. ISBN 966-7012-03-4.
Hanzburg G. Music journalism and criticism: Program of the training course. — Kharkiv, 1999. — 12 p.
Hanzburg G. Your child and music. — Kharkiv, 2006. — 40 p. ISBN 966-7990-26-3.
Hanzburg G. A. S. Pushkin's poem "October 19, 1827" and the interpretation of its meaning in the music of A. S. Dargomyzhsky. — Kharkiv, 2007. — 28 p. ISBN 966-7950-32-8
Hanzburg G. Theatricalization in Robert Schuman's vocal cycles: Issledovanie. — Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. — 128 p. ISBN 978-3-659-10435-0
Hanzburg G. About the music of Rachmaninoff: 2nd ed. — [B. m.]: Publishing solutions, 2015. ISBN 978-5-4474-0566-3
Hanzburg G. About the writer under the pseudonym S. Svyridenko. - [B. m.]: Publishing decisions, 2021. – 84 p. ISBN 978-5-0055-1340-3
Hanzburg G. Chronological index of literature about the poet Elizaveta Kulman. - [B. m.]: Publishing decisions, 2021. – 42 p. ISBN 978-5-0055-1834-7
Hanzburg G. Tchaikovsky's fatum chord. - [B. m.]: Publishing decisions, 2021. – 28 p. ISBN 978-5-0055-2837-7
Hanzburg G. Song Theater of Robert Schuman. — M.: Composer, 2022. — 148 p. ISBN: 978-5-6047149-3-5

Books (arranging and editing)

Kharkiv Assemblies. 1992 International Music Festival "Baroque and XX Century". Collection of materials. / Compiled by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1992.
Kharkiv Assemblies. International Music Festival of 1993 "Schubert and Ukrainian Romanticism". Collection of materials / Compiled by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1993. — 132 p.
Kharkiv Assemblies. 1994 International Music Festival "F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdi and Enlightenment". Collection of materials / Compiled by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1994. — 148 p.
Schubert and Schubertianism. Collection of materials of scientific musicology symposium. / Const. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1994. — 120 p.
F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdi and traditions of musical professionalism: Collection of scientific works / Sost. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1995. — 172 p.
Kharkiv Assemblies-1995. International Music Festival "Robert Schuman and Artistic Youth": Collection of materials / Compiled by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv, 1995. — 160 p.
Robert Schuman and the Crossroads of Music and Literature: Sat. science labor /Const. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: RA — Caravella, 1997. — 272 p. ISBN 966-7012-26-3.
Isychenko-Burtseva T. N. Notes of an opera singer / Comp. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Institute of Musicology — Caravella, 1999. — 84 p. ISBN 966-586-077-1.
Memoirs of Mark Karminsky / Comp. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Caravella, 2000. ISBN 966-586-005-4.
Ferenc List and problems of art synthesis: Sat. scientific works / Comp. G. I. Hanzburg. Under general editorship. T. B. Verkinoi. — Kharkiv: RA — Caravella, 2002. — 336 p. ISBN 966-7012-17-4
Claudio Monteverda's opera "Orpheus" / Comp., foreword, general ed. G. I. Hanzburga. — Dnipropetrovsk, 2007. — 70 p.
From music-pedagogical experience: Collection of articles. Issue 1. / Compiled by H. G. Gazdyuk, G. I. Hanzburg, general editorship by A. S. Zarechenska. — Kharkiv: Saga, 2008. — 188 p. ISBN 978-966-2918-52-6
From music-pedagogical and research experience: Collection of articles. Issue 2. / Compiled by G. I. Hanzburg, general edition by A. S. Zarechenska — Kharkiv: Saga, 2008. — 302 p. ISBN 978-966-2918-71-7
Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and the theory and practice of education: coll. of science Art. Vol. 36. / Khark. national University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi; edited by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Publishing House LLC "S. A.M., 2012. — 384 p. ISBN 978-966-8591-90-7
Star time of the University of the Arts: Essays for the 95th anniversary of the formation of the I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts / Edited by. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Type of LLC "S. A. M.", 2012. — 400 p. ISBN 978-966-8591-96-9
Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and the theory and practice of education: coll. of science Art. Vol. 38. / Khark. national I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts; edited by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Type of LLC "S. A. M., 2013. — 396 p. ISBN 978-617-7044-34-4
Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and the theory and practice of education. In honor of Taras Kravtsov (until his 90th birthday): coll. of science Art. Vol. 39. / Khark. national I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts; edited by G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Type of LLC "S. A. M., 2014. — 460 p. ISBN 978-617-7044-50-4
Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and the theory and practice of education: coll. nawk. art. Vol. 42. / Khark. national I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts; editor-in-chief G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Type of LLC "S. A. M., 2015. — 444 p. ISBN 978-617-7302-00-0
Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and the theory and practice of education: coll. of science Art. Vol. 45. "Beethoven is terra incognita." / Hark. national I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts; editor-in-chief G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Type of LLC "S. A. M", 2015.
Aspects of historical musicology: coll. of science Art. Vol. X / Kharkiv. national University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi; editor-in-chief G. I. Hanzburg, I. Yu. Suhlenko. — Kharkiv: Water Spectrum "GMP", 2017. — 304 p. ISSN 2519-4143
Aspects of historical musicology. Coll. of science Art. Vol. 11 / Kharkiv. national I. P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts; [edited by Hanzburg G. I., Shubina L. I.]. — Kharkiv: KhNUM, 2018. — 216 p. ISSN 2519-4143
Myshkis E. D. My five lives. Memories / Publication and preface by H. Hanzburg. — M.: Novy chronograf, 2019—664 p. ISBN 978-5-94881-452-0


Hanzburg G. New Harmonious Lesson // Srednee special education. — 1981. - No. 12
Hanzburg G. To the question about the theater choir // Musical life [M.]. — 1987. — No. 11.
Hanzburg G. To the biography of Ivan Ershov // Literaturnoe obozrenie [M.]. — 1988. — No. 12.
Hanzburg G. To the history of publication and reception written by Elizavety Kulman // Russian literature [L.]. — 1990. — No. 1. — 148-155.
Hanzburg G. On librettology // Soviet music. — 1990. — No. 2.
Hanzburg H. Three approaches to musical heritage // Music-historical concepts in the past and present: Materials of the International Scientific Conference / Compiled by O. Zinkevich, V. Syvohip. — Lviv: Spolom, 1997. — P. 107—111.
Hanzburg G. What is the difference between Rossini and Glinka, or the typological feature of romantics of the first generation // Aspects of historical musicology: Research and materials. — Kharkiv: Prapor, 1998. — P. 207—212. ISBN 5-7766-0719-1.
Hanzburg G.S. Svyridenko — researcher of German music and translator of German-language librettos // Ukrainian-German musical connections of the past and present (based on the materials of the international symposium): Collection of articles / Ed. - arranged TS Nevinchana. — Kyiv, 1998. — P. 164-173.
Ganzburg G. Pushkinistics and librettology // Bulletin of the Kharkiv University No. 449. Series Philology. Pushkin at the end of the 20th century. — Kharkiv, 1999. — pp. 261-266. ISBN 0453-8048.
Hanzburg G. Let's remember the musical periodical // Art Line [Kyiv]. — 1999. — No. 3. — P. 67.
Hanzburg H. "Chord of death" in Chopin // Frederic Chopin: Collection of articles. — Lviv: Spolom, 2000. — P. 241—248. ISBN 966-7445-57-7.
Hansburg G. Die Reaktion der Pianistin Maria Judina auf Schostakowitschs Dreizehnte Symphonie // Dmitri Schostakowitsch und das Jüdische musikalische Erbe = Dmitri Shostakovich and the Jewish heritage in music /Hrsg. Von Ernst Kuhn. — Berlin: Kuhn, 2001. (Schostakowitsch-Studien; Bd. 3); (Studia slavica musicologica; Bd. 18) ISBN 3-92864-75-0
Hanzburg G. Vocal translations of libretto texts as an element of artistic history of Ukraine // Ukrainian culture: Problems and prospects. — Kharkiv, 2004. — P. 81-86.
Hanzburg G. On the prospects of librettology // Musical theater of the XX century: Events, problems, results, perspectives / Ed.-sost. A. A. Baeva, E. N. Kurylenko. — M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. — pp. 244-249. ISBN 5-354-00812-3.
Hanzburg G. Librettology: status and perspectives // Musical art: Collection of scientific articles. — Donetsk, 2004. — Vol. 4. — P. 27-34.
Hanzburg G. Register of Ukrainian titles of foreign musical works // Formation of creative personality in the information space of modern culture: Materials of the jubilee scientific-practical conference for the 60th anniversary of the Khssmsh-i. — Kharkiv, 2004.
Hanzburg G. Robert Schuman's Song Theater // Musical Academy [Moscow]. — 2005. — No. 1. — P. 106-119.
Ganzburg G. Rachmaninov's stylistic crisis: essence and consequences // Sergey Rachmaninoff: History and Modernity: Sat. articles — Rostov-on-Don, 2005. — pp. 263-269. ISBN 5-7509-1216-7
Hansburg G. Aufsätze über Poetess Elisabeth Kulmann // Russland-Deutche Zeitgeschichte unter Monarchie und Diktatur. — Band 4. — Ausgabe 2004/2005 / Hrsg. A. Bosch. — Nürnberg, Munich, Großburgwedel, 2005. — S. 76-127.
Hanzburg H. Glinka's style crisis and "Rossinievsky syndrome" // M. I. Glinka. To the 200th anniversary of the birth. Volume 1: Materials of international science. conf.: in 2 vols. / Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov; open ed. N. I. Degtyareva, E. G. Sorokina. M.: Moscow. Mr. conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2006. — P. 176—184.
Hanzburg G. The leitmotif "I" in Rachmaninov's music // S. Rachmaninov: at the turn of the century. Vol. 3. / Ed. L. A. Trubnikova. — Kharkiv, 2006. — pp. 101-105.
Hanzburg G. To the history of vocal translations of Mozart's works // The musical world of V. A. Mozart: ways of understanding: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of V. A. Mozart, December 6-8, 2006 / Hark. state Acad. cultures;Under general ed. O. O. Willows. — Kharkiv.: KhDAK, 2006. — P. 25-28.
Hanzburg G. Fatum chord in the music of Tchaikovsky and his predecessors // Music of changing Russia. — Kursk, 2007. P. 106-116.
Hanzburg G. Gaps in the study of Robert Schuman's work as a problem of music education // Scientific Bulletin of the P. I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine: Collection of articles. Vol. 74: Aesthetics and practice of art education. — Lviv: Olir: Spolom, 2008. ISBN 978-966-665-534-2
Hanzburg H. Status and perspectives of librettology // Dialogic space of music in the changing world. — Saratov, 2009. — P. 26-31. ISBN 978-5-94841-073-9
Hanzburg H. To the history of vocal translations produced by J. Haydn // Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and theory and practice of education: coll. of science Ave. Issue 27. J. Haydn — I. Kotlyarevsky: the art of optimism / Khark. state University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi; edited by L. V. Rusakova. — Kharkiv, 2009. — P. 113-122. ISBN 978-966-8661-55-6
Hanzburg G. Your child and music // Musical pedagogy and performance. Issue 4. Collection of articles / Edited by. P. F. Syrotyuk; in general ed. A. A. Semeshka — Ternopil: Textbook — Bohdan, 2010. — P. 3-32. ISBN 978-966-10-0482-4
Hanzburg G. The study of R. Schuman's late work as a pedagogical problem // Musical and educational work in the past and sovremennosti (to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of G.L. Bulychevtsev's "People's Conservatory" in the Kursk Region): Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / See . ed. M. L. Kosmovskaya. Opening ed. S. E. Gorlynskaya, L. A. Khodyrevskaya. — Kursk: Izd. Kursk Mr. University, 2010. — P. 131—150.
Hanzburg G. The history of the Izyum National Conservatory // Musical and educational work in the past and the present (for the 90th anniversary of the institution of G. L. Bulychevtsev's "National Conservatory" in the Kursk region): Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Ch. ed. M. L. Kosmovskaya. Opening ed. S. E. Gorlynskaya, L. A. Khodyrevskaya. — Kursk: Izd. Kursk Mr. University, 2010. — P. 196—207.
Hanzburg G. Theatralization of chamber genres in R. Schuman's vocal music // Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and theory and practice of education: coll. of science Ave. Issue 28. / Khark. state University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi; editor-in-chief L. V. Shapovalova. — Kharkiv, 2010. — P. 145—158. ISBN 978-966-8591-45-7
Hanzburg H. Frideric Chopin // Country of knowledge [Kyiv]. — 2011. — No. 1 (27). — P. 48-49.
Hanzburg H. To those who do not know Schubert // Strana znanny [Kyiv]. — 2011. — No. 2 (28). — P. 34-37.
Hanzburg H. Dramatization of chamber vocal music in R. Schuman's leader plays // Problems of the interaction of art, pedagogy and theory and practice of education: coll. of science Art. Vol. 33. / Khark. national University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevskyi; edited by L. V. Shapovalova. — Kharkiv: Publishing House LLC "S. A.M., 2011. — P. 41-51. ISBN 978-966-8591-71-6
Hanzburg H. Vocal translations of libretto texts — components of artistic history of Ukraine // Bortnyanskyi D. Sokil: Opera, piano / Translation, lit. ed., afterword by M. Strikha, foreword by H. Hanzburg, emphasis. A. Bondarenko. — Kyiv — Drohobych: S.Surma, 2012. — P. 4-8. ISBN 978-966-96945-1-3
Hanzburg H. Theatricalization and dramatization of chamber genres in R. Schuman's vocal music // Art of music: theory and history. — 2012. — Issue 5.
Hanzburg H. Conservatory in university status // Music [Kyiv]. — 2014. — No. 3. — P. 46-47.
Hanzburg H. Spatial effects in the sound of music // Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series: Musical art. — 2020. — Volume 3. — No. 1. — P. 27-36.

Folklore collections

Ukrainian folk songs with sheet music. Why didn't you come... / Arrange. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Folio, 2002. — 286 p. ISBN 966-03-1752-2
Ukrainian folk songs with sheet music. Light a wax candle / Edited. G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Folio, 2002. — 286 p. ISBN 966-03-1751-4
Ukrainian folk songs with sheet music. / Edit G. I. Hanzburg. — Kharkiv: Saga, 2009. — 840 p. ISBN 978-966-2918-98-4

Music editions (arrangement and editing)

V. Mozart. Rondo for piano. (Foreword, editing, composition of the series).-Kharkiv: College, 1993.-6 p.
F. Schubert. Death and a girl. For voice and piano. (Editing, the first publication of the translation by V. Kolomiyitsev, compilation of the series). - Kharkiv: College, 1993. - 4 p.
F. Mendelson-Bartholdy. Scherzo from the music to V. Shakespeare's comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Or.61, No. 1). Transcription for piano by Sergei Rachmaninoff. (Introductory article, composition of the series) — Kharkiv: Fort, 1994.
Karminsky M. Road to the temple: For a children's or women's choir. (Editing, arrangement of the series).-Kharkiv: Institute of Musicology, 1995.-70 p.
Karminsky M. Jewish prayer: For solo violin. (Editing, arrangement of the series).-Kharkiv, Institute of Musicology, 1995.-4 p.
Ivanov V. I hope without hope: For the voice (or choir) from the piano / Poems by Lesya Ukrainka. (Editing, arrangement of the series).-Kharkiv, Institute of Musicology, 1996.-28 p.
Hanzburg G. Psalm No. 136: For the choir / Poems by T. Shevchenko. (Editing, compilation of the series). - Kharkiv: Instituteof musicology, 1996.-16 p.
Hanzburg G. The quiet world: For voice and piano / Poems by M. Tsvetaeva. (Editing, compilation of the series). - Kharkiv: Institute of Musicology, 1996.-8 p.

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