
Gruzin Boris


Borys Yukhymovych Gruzin (* 30 June 1937, Tashkent) is a Ukrainian and Russian conductor of the Soviet era, Honoured Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, People's Artist of Russia in 1973.

Brief biography
In 1963, he graduated with honours from the Moscow Conservatoire with a degree in opera and symphony conducting, music theory and piano.

In 1963-1969 and from 1976 to 1989, he was the conductor of the Novosibirsk Opera Theatre, having been invited to do so during his fifth year of study.

In 1969-1976 and 1989-1993 he was the chief conductor of the Odesa Opera and Ballet Theatre.

In 1986 he was a member of the jury of the Glinka International Opera Singers Competition, in 1997 and 1999 - the Rimsky-Korsakov International Opera Singers Competition.

1993 - Conductor of the Mariinsky Theatre.

1996 - Professor at the Rimsky-Korsakov St Petersburg State Academy.

Since 2003 he has been working closely with the Royal Covent Garden Theatre, and since 2004 he has been a permanent guest conductor of the Dutch Symphony Orchestra.

He has conducted, among others, the following performances:

Mykola Lysenko's opera Taras Bulba,
"Arsenal by G. Mayboroda,
"Don Quixote by Ludwig Minkus,
"The Corsair by Adolphe Adan,
"The Queen of Spades by Tchaikovsky,
"Vincenzo Bellini's La Sonnambula,
ballet Spartacus by A. Khachaturian.

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