
Eidlin Yuliy Ilyich


Yuliy Ilyich Eidlin (* 15 March 1896, Yekaterinoslav - † 13 December 1958, Leningrad) was a Ukrainian and Russian violinist and teacher.

In 1917, he graduated from the Petrograd Conservatory, where he studied violin with L. S. Auer and S. P. Korguev.

He gave concerts - solo and in an ensemble.

In 1924-1926, he taught in Baku, and in 1926-1928 - at the First Music College in Leningrad.

In 1927, he began to lead the quartet class at the Leningrad Conservatory, and in 1931 he taught violin, and in 1935 he was promoted to professor.

He developed his own system of teaching violin, paying special attention to the violin works of J. Bach, L. Beethoven, and P. Tchaikovsky. He tried to instil conceptual thinking in his students, paid special attention to the artistic side of performance skills, its intellectual origins.

Among his students were B. Gutnikov, E. Kamilarov, M. Vaiman, and B. Miliutin.

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