
Dubrovnyi Taras


Taras Mykolaiovych Dubrovnyi (7 November 1979, Lviv) is a Ukrainian pianist, Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor, musicologist, member of the National Academy of Sciences, member of the Academic Council of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Head of the Department of Musicology and Choral Art of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

He was born on 7 November 1979 in Lviv. In 1997 he graduated from the Lviv Secondary Specialised Music Boarding School named after S. Krushelnytska. In 1997-2002, he studied at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Music Academy at the piano faculty in the class of Professor O. Kryshtalskyi. In 2002-2003, he studied at the Lysenko State Music Academy under the guidance of Professor M. Krushelnytska. Since 2005, he has been a lecturer at the Department of Music Ukrainian Studies and Media Studies, and since 2007, a senior lecturer at the Department of General and Specialised Piano of the Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy. Since 2010, he has been an associate professor of musicology at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Candidate of Arts (2007), Associate Professor (2012), member of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society (2008), member of the University's Scientific and Technical Council (2010-2017) and the Academic Council of the Faculty of Culture and Arts (since 2010). Deputy Dean for Research and Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2010-2017). Since 2021, he has been a member of the University's Academic Council. Since 2022, Head of the Department of Musicology and Choral Art at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Research interests.
Ukrainian musical culture of the XX century; the phenomenon of the national variety of postmodernism.

Scientific activity
Author of three monographs:

"Piano Creativity of Anatoliy Kos-Anatolsky in the Projection of the Style of the Era." - Lviv: NTSh, 2007. - 184 p. (monograph) (2007);
"Memoirs of contemporaries about Anatol Kos-Anatolsky." - Az-Art Publishing House. - Lviv, 2009. - 138 p. (Ed.);
"Oleh Kryshtalskyi. Memoirs." - Lviv, 2010. - 134 p. (Ed.);
as well as about 30 scientific publications in domestic and foreign professional journals:

Manifestations of Postmodernism Aesthetics in Ukrainian Piano Music of 60-90s of XX century / Lviv University Bulletin. Series of Art History. - Lviv, 2004. - Issue 4. - P. 69-76.
Kamo gryadeshi, postmodernism? Music in the space of modernity: the second half of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century / Scientific Bulletin of the P. I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2007. - Issue 68. - P. 233-242.
Manifestations of the aesthetics of Ukrainian musical postmodernism in the piano heritage of Anatolii Kos-Anatolskyi / Musical Ukrainian Studies: Modern Dimension / Collection of scientific articles in honour of Doctor of Arts, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts Alla Tereshchenko / Edited by M. Rzhevska - Kyiv - Ivano-Frankivsk: Tretiak I. Y. Publisher, 2008. - Issue 2. - P. 2017-224.
Piano heritage of Anatolii Kos-Anatolskyi in the stylistic accents of the era.
Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society / Works of the Musicology Commission. - Ed. by O. Kupchynskyi. - Lviv, 2009. - Volume CCCLVIII. - P. 405-415.
Chamber and Instrumental Ensemble: History, Theory, Practice / Scientific Collections of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy - Performing Arts. - Issue 25 - To the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Chamber Ensemble and Quartet of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy. - Lviv: Spolom, 2011. - P. 409-412.
Strokes to the portrait of Oleh Kryshtalskyi / T. Dubrovnyi // Lviv University Bulletin. Series Art History. - Issue 11. - Lviv, 2012. - P. 69-77.
Pedagogical principles of the pianist Oleh Kryshtalskyi // Lviv-Ryashiv Scientific Notebooks - Lviv-Ryashiv Publishing House of Ivan Franko National University, No. 1 - 2013.
Dubrovny T. Kultura ukraińska w posttotalitarnym społeczeństwie / Przyszlosc in kulturze / Prace Kulturoznawcze. - T. XV. - Acta Uniwesytatis Wratislaviensis, № 3487. - Wrocław 2013. - S. 203-212.

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