
Domishevsky Rostislav Zdyslavovich


Rostyslav Zdislavovych Domishevskyi (pseudonyms - Roy, Rostyk; born 30 January 1971, Novoyavorivsk) is a Ukrainian musician, producer, Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2019), songwriter and member of the band Skryabin in 1989-2002.
He was born in Novoyavorivsk on 30 January 1971. His father, Zdyslav Stanislavovych Domishevskyi, was a physical education teacher by profession and an artist by vocation - humour and entertainer. He died on 5 September 1995 from a heart attack. Domishevska's (Romanyshyn) mother Stefaniia Stefanivna is a nurse, worked as an operating nurse and in an ambulance. She is now retired.

He has a sister, Svitlana Zdislavivna Domishevska. She is a veterinarian. She lives in Moscow, where she went to study at the Konstantin Ivanovich Scriabin Veterinary Academy back in the USSR.

Rostyslav studied at the same school as Andriy Kuzmenko. He studied violin at a music school, but after five years of steady study, he couldn't stand it and dropped out after only a year. All three of them - Serhii Hera, Andrii Kuzmenko and Rostyslav - studied at the music school in Novoyavorivsk, and Kuzmenko's mother (Olha Mykhailivna) taught an additional subject - piano.

Back then, during their school years, Kuzma and his friends would play in the assembly hall, while Rostyk and his peers would stand under the window and listen fascinated. However, it was clear that 10-12-year-old Rostik, even if he had met Kuzma, could not participate in his crazy "experiences". At that time, Kuzma was almost an idol for young Rostik, shaping his musical preferences.

In 1988, Rostik, a 17-year-old boy who had just finished school and decided to take music absolutely seriously, formed his own band, Nasha Kontora.

After school, Rostislav entered the SPTU-56 and received a diploma in radio equipment and instrumentation installation to avoid being drafted into the army.

In 1988, Rostyslav was approached by Yuriy Datsko. Yuriy had some equipment in the Crystal Palace of Culture, but no band to play at weddings and dances. He knew Rostik from such a serious angle that he was a very "executive" guy, and so he gave him the keys to find guys and prepare material for accompaniment at weddings and dances. Rostyk agreed and disappeared for a month and a half, and when Yurii Ihorovych came back, he saw a normal professional punk band whose sounds reached the nearest villages.

Rostyk played the guitar. The studio, where the young guitarist often stayed asleep after rehearsals, was christened the "Sleep" studio, which later was deciphered as the "Studio of Pathological Silence". But it is known for certain that this decoding appeared later.

So, the studio "Spati" gathered young musicians from all over Novoyavorivsk, among whom were all the members of the future band "Skryabin". Roy participated in the bands Nasha Kantora, The One, Bardak, Crazy Laughter, Voice of Hell, and Dysentery. All of these bands played different music, and Rostik performed as a guitarist and lyricist. Andriy Kuzmenko, Ihor Yatsyshyn, Myroslav Lyba, Bohdan Lyba, Andriy Hula, Slavik Ponomarev, Rudyk, Vasya Pinchuk, Ivan Drotsyk, Rostyk Khrushch, Roman Brama and others recorded with Spati.
The teams from the Spati studio, according to the Skryabinians, worked at a very high level, and were even supposed to go to a festival in Poland in 1989. But the KGB didn't let them go because they suspected something. The band had no trouble with the police until 1991, when the musicians began to dress eccentrically, which was more true of Rostyk, who wanted to be more colourful than the others.

In the spring of 30 June 1989, Roy took part in the recording of the album "Chuche pil", which was the first work of the band "Skryabin". He initiated the shooting of the band's first film clip, inviting the director Volodymyr Zaikovskyi.

During Roy's holiday in 1990, the band managed to record tracks together for Andriy's participation in the Chervona Ruta festival at the Lev studio in Lviv. Subsequently, in 1991-1992, the songs were completed there, which, together with the previously recorded ones, were included in the first cassette edition of the album "Language of Pisces". It was on this album that songs written by Rostyk first appeared in the repertoire of the Skryabin group: his "Let it rain" and "Something Wintery", written in collaboration with Andriy.

In 1992-93, Rostyk took part in writing songs and recording demo versions of the material "Technofayt", songs from which were included in their subsequent albums. During this period, Rostyk became a co-author of the band's songs, mostly lyrics.

In 1993, Rostyk moved to Moscow, where his cousin Jacques had a private business. He worked there intermittently until 1997.

During this period, Rostik came to Kyiv for important concerts and tours and to record the album "Birds" in 1994, and the album "Fairy Tales" in 1995-1996.

It was also in Moscow that Rostyslav met and married Olya Yavnikova (Spiridonova). Rostyk met her in Moscow, she is Russian by nationality, and they got married in Novoyavorivsk. Rostyslav was so strongly attached to his wife that he could not work normally until she agreed to move to Kyiv and live with him. In 1998, this finally happened, and Rostyslav was always in a good mood and inspired by his work. He called his wife and son, Olha Artem, the most important people in his life and was always openly proud of them. Shura was looking forward to Olya's move to Kyiv, as he dreamed of having an assistant in the kitchen (Roy and Shura lived in the same apartment at the time).

The couple divorced in 2000. They have no children together.

In 1998-1999, Rostyk took over administrative and financial matters and organised concerts. According to him, in an interview with the Galician Correspondent on 13.10.2017, this was a wrong decision that "killed the friendship", which obviously led to the collapse of the Skryabin band.

During the regular presidential elections in 1999, the band went on a concert tour to support the election campaign of the current President Leonid Kuchma, when he was running for a second term. Roy recalls that period as follows: "We were politically illiterate when we indiscriminately endorsed the proposals of politically driven campaigns. We treated all the stories about the national struggle as folklore. Of course, we saw some waves of demonstrations, but it did not touch us from the inside. We were interested in the art of music. And we didn't give a damn about the problems between Russia and Ukraine."

Already in 2000, during the recording of the album Striptease, the Skryabinets were quarreling with each other. The band almost broke up.

In 2001, Rostyslav left the stage and began to deal mainly with the band's administrative affairs.
In 2002, the friendly atmosphere among the musicians disappeared completely. The album "Winter People" was released without Domishevsky's participation - he left Skryabin and went to work with the singer Yulia Lord (Rostyslav's wife at the time). The fans remember Domishevsky as a friendly, balanced, always calm man, in whose head the kindest words and deepest ideas of "Skryabin" were born. His friendliness lives in him alongside his reticence, his incredible efficiency alongside his love of sleep. Rostyk exudes wisdom and respect.

In 2003, another member of the first Skryabin line-up, Serhiy Hera ("Shura"), left the band.

During the Orange Revolution, the band took part in supporting Yanukovych in the first round, and Rostyslav sharply criticised Kuzmenko, who remained to campaign for Yanukovych at concerts.

I haven't spoken to Kuzmenko for two years and I'm not going to do it ever again in my life... You were among those who put these people out in the snow today, who put them in the crosshairs, and you should be among those who will get them out of there. In order for truth and justice to prevail in our country.

In 2004, Rostyslav, together with Serhiy Heroyu, created the ECHO project. A demo version of the album was recorded. This work did not have a studio continuation.

2005-2010 - General Director of the Fashion TV-Ukraine channel.

Co-producer in the project of Yulia Lord.

Member of the organising committee of the national art festival Kropfest.

In early 2019, Rostyslav was awarded the honorary title of Honoured Artist of Ukraine.
In March 2020, Domishevskyi was hospitalised with a massive heart attack. Colleagues and friends initiated a fundraising drive to raise 50 thousand hryvnias and called on Ukrainians to support Rostyk.

In 2021, a scandal broke out over the copyright to the early works of the band Skryabin. Rostyslav Domishevskyi accused Andriy Kuzmenko's family of misappropriating the copyright to the songs of the band Skryabin.

Now he is engaged in management of cultural and artistic projects. In his spare time, he takes care of plants. "We spend a lot of time in the village - a pond, a vegetable garden, a garden, a hut, a barbecue."

Personal life
first wife - Olga
wife - Yulia Lord (since 1999)

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